XR solutions and services

Quality VR and AR experiences since 2016


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Featured projects

Take a look at our latest and most popular works from XR-productions to interactive installations, mobile software and research studies. You can find more interesting projects from the portfolio page.

Vrifier – free 3D-viewer for VR

Vrifier is a 3D model & data viewer for extended realities with built-in optimization and export for large models and datasets. Interface is customized for quick and easy 3D viewing for both professional and casual use. Vrifier has a built-in mesh simplification, which enables viewing even complex models in VR. You can download Vrifier Early Access from Steam Store for free.

No subscriptions, no paid features. Just plug and play.


RESEARCH. Teatime Research joined the APEX-project consortium by delivering a feasibility study on methods for generating a 3D shape/model from an asteroid with a low power hardware suitable for spacecraft onboard computer. Asteroid Prospection Explorer (APEX) is a 6U CubeSat developed for HERA mission being part of ESA-NASA AIDA (Asteroid Impact & Deflection Assessment) project.